1st June 2022

Industry Seminar: Technological challenges in motors and actuators development

Industry Seminar: Technological challenges in motors and actuators development

Fabio Faccini, Alessandro Fasolo- ETEL SA, Môtiers, Switzerland

Politecnico di Torino, June 1, 2022, 11.30 - 12.30, Aula 8C

Live Virtual Classroom: https://didattica.polito.it/pls/portal30/sviluppo.bbb_corsi.waitRoom?id=3683&p_tipo=DOCENTE

ETEL is the core brand for high precision and high dynamic motion technology in the HEIDENHAIN Group.

As a competence center in Switzerland, Etel succeeds in current and future markets with competitive, innovative, and high performing products and services.

The seminar will address the new challenges in the fields of high precision motion systems, innovative torque motors and motion control solutions.

Internships, MSc theses, and other opportunities of collaboration will be covered during the seminar.

2022_LeafletETEL application/pdf (162,13 kB)

Pubblicato il: 31/05/2022