Development and evaluation of an induction motor control algorithm for micro-mobility applications

Development and evaluation of an induction motor control algorithm for micro-mobility applications

The electrification processes involving transports are leading to the development of various traction solutions using AC motors. Among the applications of electric traction, those of micro-mobility are becoming increasingly widespread and have a large reference market. Generally, light traction is based on low voltage (48V) and low-power systems. The use of AC induction motors in some applications, such as the Renault Twizy, poses a challenge to improving the topology and drive control for the Power Train unit.

Furthermore, applying advanced technologies for power electronic devices, such as those based on Gallium Nitride, allows us to obtain converters for the power train of compact and highly efficient traction systems.

The thesis activity will be carried out in collaboration with Coburg University in Germany (tutor prof. Marco Denk). It will target the development and implementation of vector control for an asynchronous motor applied to a purely electric low-voltage vehicle traction system in a microcontroller unit. The control system of the developed power train will have the Renault Twizy electric vehicle as a workbench, and the inverters will be using MOSFET and GaN FET devices in the final motor drive solution (see Fig. 1).

Further information in the attached document.

2023_ThesisTwizy application/pdf (157.97 kB)


Prof. Salvatore Musumeci (
Fausto Stella (