28th August 2019
ACEMP OPTIM Keynote Lecture
Prof. Gianmario Pellegrino held a keynote lecture al the ACEMP OPTIM 2019 conference about "Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives: Still a niche Technology?"
8th July 2019
New e-Drives Testbench
27-28 June 2019
Seminar Srdjan Lukic
Dr. Srdjan Lukic will hold two seminars at Politecnico di Torino
12th May 2019
IEMDC Tutorial
Prof. Gianmario Pellegrino and Prof. Radu Bojoi presented a tutorial al the IEMDC conference 2019 about "Control of AC Drives: from Theory to Implementation"
2nd May 2019
Seminar Paolo Mattavelli
Prof. Dr. Paolo Mattavelli will hold a seminar at Politecnico di Torino about "Dynamic Interactions in Smart Electronic Power Distribution Systems"
19 dicembre 2018